About Us
Our Mission:
The Real Estate Council of Greater Fort Worth is a unified voice for the commercial real estate profession, influencing action and supporting change to accomplish long-term job growth and enhance the quality of life.
Our membership encompasses all commercial real estate development industry sectors, allowing us to effectively address policy issues and implement impactful programs throughout Fort Worth, Arlington, and Tarrant County.
We firmly believe that robust economic development is crucial for the advancement of our region. Collaborating closely with civic, business, and public service leaders, our members actively contribute to promoting Tarrant County as an attractive destination for companies, organizations, and entities whose presence brings prosperity to our community

Our Focus
The 2023-2024 Annual Report
Who we Support
We put our money behind projects and organizations that make Fort Worth a better place to live and work.
The Real Estate Council of Greater Fort Worth has chosen five incredible organizations to support in the upcoming 2024-2025 year. We are thrilled to announce our partnerships with: