Brandi Kelp, Senior Planner in Transportation and Public Works Stormwater Management Division with the City of Fort Worth, presented to the REC of GFW Board of Directors on April 14, 2022.

On May 7 citizens will vote to approve the 2022 Bond Election and Proposition E would allow for $15 million to be used for the city’s Natural Area and Open Space program, which focuses on acquiring and improving land citywide to enhance air and water quality, and facilitate other environmental benefits and preserve natural areas.
Open Space Prioritization Goals
Ecosystem Preservation: Conserving important environments such as woodlands, prairies, and wetlands, and protecting habitat for plants and wildlife.
Stream, River, and Lake Health: Using natural areas to filter stormwater, reduce runoff and erosion, and protect water quality in the city’s streams, lakes, and the Trinity River.
Community Health: Improving health by providing opportunities for exercise, cooling hot urban areas, and improving air quality.
Recreation: Improving access to natural areas, protecting iconic landscapes, and creating new opportunities for passive recreation.
Flood Control: Protecting against flooding and property damage by conserving natural areas that absorb and temporarily store stormwater runoff.
Equitable Access to Open Space: Conserving natural areas that benefit low-income, underserved, and marginalized neighborhoods and communities.
Economic Development: Natural areas can improve nearby property values and create opportunities for businesses, jobs, development, and other economic activity
To better help the development community plan and design for open space conservation, an open space prioritization tool was created and is available to anyone - you can access it here:
To learn more about the overall plan in created in conjunction with the Trust for Public Land, go here:

Check out the presentation made to the REC of GFW Board of Directors